Yango Delivery

Transport heavy items
in Bishkek

The partners of Yandex Delivery provide cargo delivery throughout
Bishkek. They'll move furniture, electrical goods, and other large items.

The partners of
Yandex Delivery
provide cargo delivery
using trucks
with the
following options:

truck-s icon


for up to 700 kg

truck-l icon


for up to 1,400 kg

truck-s icon


for up to 700 kg

truck-l icon


for up to 1,400 kg

Place an order in the
Yandex Go app or via the
order form on our website


How to place
an order:

  • Choose if you want to place your order on the app or the website.
  • Choose Cargo.
  • Choose the truck size and whether you need help from a loader or not.
  • Enter the address that you want the cargo to be picked up from and your contact information.
  • Enter the address that you want your goods to be taken to and the recipient's contact information.
  • Click or tap "Order".

Once you've placed an order, a driver will arrive at the address you gave. The
driver will help carry your items that weigh less than 30 kg from the truck to
your destination, and even take them up to the right floor.
Track driver using the Yandex Go app. The recipient can track their goods using
the app or their browser.

arrow-1 iconFAQ

How much does cargo delivery in Bishkek cost?
Yandex Delivery has a dynamic pricing system that allows the cost of each order to be calculated individually. Factors that affect the cost include the distance between the two addresses, size of the truck, whether you've requested help from a loader, and the road and weather conditions.

How to order a truck:
  • go to the order form on the website or the Yandex Go app
  • choose the Cargo rate and the size of truck you want
  • wait for the driver to arrive and pick up your order
Partners of Yandex Delivery can help you move offices, apartments, or holiday homes. We'll help you move personal items, furniture, appliances, and other items.