Yango Delivery

Deliver items quickly
in Bishkek

Order the Cargo rate and the partners of Yandex Delivery
will help you move items in Bishkek

How to find a truck
for your order:

  • Open the Yandex Go app or the Order Now section on the website
  • Enter the start and end point for your delivery
  • Click or tap "Order" and wait for the driver
If you add the option to get help from the driver:
  • The driver will come up to your floor and load the items into the truck
  • They'll deliver everything to the required address
  • Then they'll unload all your items and bring them up to your floor
The driver can carry furniture, office equipment, home appliances, boxes of things, and other items (one unit shouldn't weigh more than 30 kg).

How to move items
in Bishkek with
a loader:

  • Open the Yandex Go app or the Order Now section on the website
  • Enter the start and end points of your delivery
  • Choose the size of the truck
  • Choose whether or not you need help from the driver
  • Click or tap Order

arrow-1 iconFAQ

How can I order a truck to deliver my items in Bishkek?
You can order a truck:
  • In the Yandex Go app
  • In the Order Now section on our site
Enter the required information and wait for the driver.
How can I deliver personal items?
Select the Cargo Rate if your items won't fit in a car. Place your order and a driver will come and pick up your items.
How can I send fragile items?
When delivering heavy items, we recommend using special packaging, such as bubble wrap or corrugated cardboard, to protect your items from damage. Wrap each item individually and make sure they're properly packaged.
How does delivery from the partners of Yandex Delivery work?
Have your items delivered by following these simple steps:
  • Open the Yandex Go app or the Order Now section on the website
  • Enter the start and end points of your delivery
  • Enter your contact information so that the driver can get in touch with you
  • If you need help from the driver with loading and unloading items, check the corresponding box
  • Once all the data has been filled out, confirm the order
How much does it cost to deliver things in Bishkek?
With the Cargo Rate, you can choose a medium-sized or large-sized truck. Here's what affects the final cost: region, truck size, distance, weather, traffic and road conditions, addition of different options and number of available trucks.